Grass-writings: A new product line

Lay your head where my heart used to be
Hold the earth above me
Lay down in the green grass
Remember when you loved me.


Greetings, seekers of romance

Not all of you out there have beaches. Some of you prefer lakes or in-land places to the tropical beaches so popular in SL. Our famous sand-writings are lovely, but I understand that they don’t go well with such a neighbourhood. But – salvation is near.

Our new product line of grass-writings is especially for you lovers of a green ambiance. There are even two FREEBIES available.  For a Nice Price of 600 L$ you get all of the grass-writings. A saving of 300 L$ compared to the price of 150 L$ you normally pay for each one. The two FREEBIES are included too, but without the ads they normally pass to visitors.

Like our sand-writings, these grass-writings use an almost transparent prims that overlays the texture of your lawn. That’s why they look good on every grass.

You can buy the writings from a vendor at our flagship-store in Eris (108, 238, 511).

Of course we do custom grass-writings too. To order one, contact Villain Baroque in-world. You get COPY and TRANS rights on your grass-writing. Such a personalized item costs 1000 L$ and can even include a small logo.

~ by Villain Baroque on July 28, 2008.

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