The thief has a name: Dany Salubrius

Greetings, seekers of romance

We have become used to the daily crimes in Second Life, texture theft and the copying of skins and clothes. There are a lot of people out there that lack creativity but don’t lack criminal impertinence. But who would have thought that sand-writings are next on the list of the digital Ali Babas? Not me.

Since december 2007 we produce our high-quality sand-writings, but guess what? Now a thief with no creativity of her own took snapshots of our sand-writings, placed these snapshots on a prim and started selling them as her own sand-writings. Shame on you, Dany Salubrius. Of course, these copies don’t reach our hand-painted quality by far. Our sand-writings look good on every beach, because they are a mostly transparent overlay on the texture of your beach. This way, it looks good on every kind of sand. Dany’s Copy Shack isn’t proficient in this technique, therefore you get a prim that already brings a sand texture of it’s own. This way, it looks bad on every sand.

Well, we could say Good Luck with your lack of creativity, Dany Salubrius and ill-gotten goods never prosper, but bad quality in a new kind of product is bad publicity for everyone who is selling sand-writings. Trying to reach her via IM was no success, since she didn’t answer my IMs. Instead she banned me from her shop. She probably didn’t loose a customer in me.

If you, valued seeker of  romance, want to see cheap quality on your own, visit her robber’s den at Banyaga (100, 166, 45). Bring her some traffic and if you meet her, tell her what you think of stealing. She even charges the same price (50 L$ per sand-writing) for her bootleg products – what cheek!

It seems as if I am not her only victim as you can see at the following discussion at SL Exchange (Click here).

Since I absolutly despise to write an entry that only shows bitter feelings, here are a few positive thoughts about Second Life that crossed my mind while writing this post:

  • I have wonderful customers and get to know people that are an enrichment to meet. Thank you for your business and the positive feedback you give.It’s a joy creating for you.
  • One wrotten apple doesn’t spoil the bunch. I love SL and the people I meet here
  • Last but not least: I met my wonderful girlfriend and muse Rockje

~ by Villain Baroque on July 5, 2008.

2 Responses to “The thief has a name: Dany Salubrius”

  1. Have you made a report of this? If she did just as you say LL can do something about it.

  2. No, I didn’t report it. I looked up the reporting process at the Second Life website. Not very helpfull. After reading it a few times, I was quite unsure, if that doesn’t mean to pay for an attorney in the USA. And then? Maybe the petty thief is sitting in China, Russia or South America. Then I would have to pay hundreds or thousands of US$ for nothing. I decided, it was not worth my time and money. Somehow SL is a little bit like the “Wild West”, a lawless zone and this is part of it’s charme, too.

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